Merry Christmas friends!
A year in pictures...
I think I may have this Blogger bug fixed. I am attempting a new way to upload photos and content. If this works, I'll be back to this blogging thing regularly!
So to touch on a few things~
Dave & Griselda:
We had a lot of adventure, but thankfully the year was void of too much drama. Phew! Some of the more notable events included Dave running himself ragged in several ultra events: Way Too Cool, 35 miles; AR50, 50 miles, and a pacer for my bff Betsy in the Wasatch 100, for which he ran 39 miles with her. I tried running, but nothing ultra (yikes!), with a 25k with my buddy, Lisa. I enjoyed the run with no major hiccups. I hated the triple-digit heat on dusty trails, though. We also did a cancer fundraiser for UCSF and swam "across the Bay" - really, we just jumped off a yacht under the GG Bridge, then swam to Crissy Field WITH the current for 1.5 miles. Not too bad. My highlight was being able to be in the water with some of the more notable USA Water Polo gals! Then we also completed the Tough Mudder quite successfully, I might add. So we will be back for this coming year's Mudder. Any takers? We'd love you to join us!
Doing great in school. Working hard at reading long books so that he can watch the movies (his reward). He finished The Hobbit most recently and is excited for that release and heard they are making it a trilogy - he hopes. What a bargain that would be, huh? He did water polo camp at Stanford with a good buddy of his while the other two participated in a tennis camp on campus over the summer. He found a love for basketball, most recently and wants to be the next Jimmer Fredette.
Seeing the benefit of reading books when there is a movie at the end of it. We had to draw the line, though. We now say he has to PASS the AR test in order to get that reward. Yep. He's that kid that reads the words but doesn't process it so much. He loves basketball, too, and is loving flag football. He also found a love for skateboarding. He is as bright as ever and is getting to be quite the clown; however, we are still working on appropriate humor...
LOVES soccer! He is a natural at pretty much every sport he has tried, but just adores soccer. He is excelling at reading and math, so Kindergarten is more a social thing right now for him. He loves his friends and needs action at all times.
Enjoying preschool, mostly. He loves his teachers and the classroom, but sometimes finds the getting up and getting out of the house a bit tiresome. He knows so much for a little guy! He is good at articulating his thoughts, so he is the wunderkind that says the darndest things! He is a gentle soul - and a LEFTY! I will fully admit that any strange, or unexplained idiosyncrasies will be blamed on that. Ha ha!
I also wanted to add that we are taking a BREAK from swim team in more than 2.5 years!!!! It feels SO good to have dinner time back and evenings to unwind…after the football, water polo, and basketball practices are over. :) At least those are all BEFORE dinner.
Now on to the photos:
Let's just begin this crazy year of adventure with a crazy hair day, shall we? Here is to my bed head king...

At least this day his hair and personality were NOT in sync.

A quick trip to Echo Lake (COLD!!!) where fishing off the dock was our fave.

Haefan's BFF, Chloe, at his little 3rd Bday Celebration at home.

Not only obsessed with these guys, but a true master. Schools us all.

Still hasn't grasped the blowing out vs. up concept. So cute!

What an appropriate poster for the American River 50 (50 mile ultra run).

At the last real aid station before the finish. We waited there a LONG... LONG time, so...

We became quite comfortable with the surrounding area...

Tact and reservation were no longer within our reach at this point as you can plainly see!

We love our uncle Pete. What a guy!

Dave was HURTING here. Pretty silent and removed. Good thing Pete was all smiles!

Waiting for his painful deep massage post race.

Our special birthday entrance for the special dude, J.J.

We do donuts for breakfast on their birthday. Their favorite!

Oh how proud it makes me that the boys LOVE the ocean and its creatures! This is at J.J.'s old preschool room after a special birthday celebration.

We went to SkyZone for J.J.'s family celebration.

At J.J.'s preschool graduation. It was HOT that day!

J.J. really does give the best hugs EVER.

Can you tell how proud he is??? I was beaming, too. :)

I can tell you that the cute J.J. smile is all Dave and that monster face is all Mom. Lol.

He is quite the wicked hitter!

He was on the young side here, but really learned so much.

What a water polo stud.

*sigh* I love Stanford.

Stowe and Lathan. Two of a kind, those two.

Dave Jr.

At a swim meet. He has improved his times tremendously, but no one holds a candle to his endurance. Just like Dad.

Independence Day church attire. Such handsomeness. Watch out, ladies...and Mom. ;)

Lathan conquering the ramp! He was so brave that day.

Kaelan waiting patiently for his turn. Totally diggin' it.

At Stanford Shopping Center (hoity toity madness!).

USA water polo drills pre-game. Olympic Women's team facing off with Hungary pre-Olympics.

Here are the fantabulous lady-folk!

Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe. My newest favorite beach.

It's like a pool melded with a beach. Crystal clear, fresh water with waves!

Arches National Park. A detour on our way to see the other Skeehans in Denver. Fun!

Because it was a detour stop, we spent way too little time here. This place looks AWESOME.

Our final picture before heading out.

Pirate birthday party with cousins in CO.

J.J. won the balloon game and was super excited.

A stupendously awesome park near Aunt Mimi's and Uncle Daniel's house in CO.

There really is no better swing if all the little cousins can all fit at once!

The girl cousins threw a pirate birthday party, so it's only fair that the boys are happy to do a little tea time at the park, right?

My only good Halloween pic from the party before the trick-or-treating.

At Temple Square for some Thanksgiving with MORE family. Oh how we've been blessed with so much family time this year!

Always a requisite. I'm the pack mule, and Dad is the burro carrying the little guys.

These boys, as I'm sure is the case with all boys, could live in the Apple store and not need food or water for days!
Thanks for visiting the blog! Look for more to come in the next few weeks! I'll post about Christmas Day once we hit that point...that is, if we survive the end of all things on 12.21.12... !!!!