So, we are officially a swimming family now. With two boys in, one chomping at the bit, and one trying to grow and get ready, pretty soon it will be a full car load of speedos, sunblock, and towels. Here is the latest swim meet that wasn't so much sun block as sleeping bags, blankets, coats, and warm showers.

On your mark, get set,......

Lathan's 50yd freestyle. He ended up winning his heat and taking second over all.

Our two boys starting side by side. Kaelan's still not quite comfortable with the block starts.

Kaelan's 50yd free. Pretty sweet considering this time last year he couldn't swim 12.5 yards.

Our little green eyed, smiley penguin...

Nothing quite like finishing the race with a bunch of friends. Kaelan is behind lathan, and the other two boys pictured are Lathan's friend Stowe and Kaelan's friend Kyle. They had a blast.

The boys can't believe it is finally over. Was pretty cool to see the boys race side by side.

Wrapping up the chilly day in November. Kaelan walked away with a seventh place in breast stroke 8y and under. Lathan won one first place and three second places for his events, also in 8y and under.
Lathan definitely takes after his dad, he starts at a good clip and really starts to pick up speed towards the end of his race.
Kaelan also takes after his dad and sometimes seems like he is in his own little world. In fact on one race, he almost missed starting because he wasn't listening for the starting gun. My little old man.....