Me (Dave)
I am finally starting to actually work on the yard. It's quite a daunting task when you live on a hillside and have over an acre of untouched landscaping with essentially zero working capital. Still, I have plans to finish off the terraces for the garden, level off a sitting area, make a trail with stairs down to the trampoline, and maybe put up some kind of awning. So just those four things will probably take a few years.
Still a tennis playing fool. Won her last match, doubles, with some great shots. She likes to bounce around the court like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. The local club tennis pro says that she is opposite everyone that he has ever taught. She has no trouble running all over the court, her problem is that she gets there to soon and is so excited she ends up over doing it. He was SOOO right on with her........a ball of energy she is.
He has headed back to pool. He is a monster with his free, back, and fly. He had his first official swim meet this weekend. He did great. He has finished his third Harry Potter book and quickly moved onto the fourth. He also finished up this years baseball season with a couple of big hits. Baseball became a lot more fun once he started hitting the ball.
Kaelan is excited to have started swim team this summer. He is a monster backstroker already, just like his older brother. He also is doing a great job with his butterfly, which is really surprising given the age. He has really started to get the swimming thing down. He is also going to try to start reading the Harry Potter books this summer also. He finished up his baseball season as well. He was playing right field and for the first time ever ran, yep that's right, he actually ran to get the ball. No sliding on the grass. No karate kicking in the outfield. He actually ran. So proud of him.
JJ is also on the local swim team. He is fast becoming the team favorite because the little guy just won't give up. He jumps / dives off the blocks. Streamlines like a pro. Everyone cheers for him. He loves it. Sometimes he seems to be going up and down instead of forward. He says that he gets a little frustrated because Kaelan always beats him. Such is the life of the younger brother, huh Pete and Dan???
JJ doesn't quite have the diving off the blocks thing down quite yet. He is defnitely getting closer though.
Haefan is, and probably always will be a handful. He loves to play, jump, swim, laugh, pout, flirt, and especially talk. Can't understand what he says all the time, but he loves to talk just the same. He and a friend go to every swim practice and take turns running into the baby pool, laughing, splashing, and eventually falling. He loves to wear goggles even though he doesn't like to get his face wet often. He can't wait to start swim team too. Sometimes he is a little too anxious and has to be corralled before he tries to join his older brothers in practice. Just like his bros he has to take a shower after swimming and be wrapped in a towel.
One day, these three kids will finish up all my failed gardening / landscaping projects for their mom. Until then, its caos in the Skeehan house, in a good, fun, busy way if that's possible.
Until next time.