The Infamous "torpedo belly." This is post 4-mile walk. Crazy big, huh?
This is Dave a week into the 'stache-growing contest at work that started Apr 6. It's a little more filled in now.
So the past few weeks really have been good to me:
I delivered a healthy baby boy and had wonderful friends help me through it all.
I have three other boys that enjoy him so much and want only to love him every second.
I haven't felt nearly the emotional toll this time around with all the hormonal changes.
And a husband who would do anything for me and the fam.
He really has been MIA these past few months. I don't get much time with him anyway, but I really have felt like the lone woman in the midst craziness. Once my Betsy left, I was afraid of what the day could bring and was pleasantly surprised that things weren't so hard after all - thanks to the older boys taking charge of their own responsibilities.
I thought that since those first two weeks were not emotionally straining I was totally in the clear for the emotional roller coaster that is childbirth; but I'm finding that although I'm not really emotional, I'm EXHAUSTED and can't really tolerate the whining and complaining that seems nonstop. Yesterday I took the initiative and "locked" the kids downstairs and let them have free access to the backyard and I had a couple of hours to myself (and Haefan) and it was WONDERFUL. Then the boys and I went to the park since it was so nice out and they LOVED it; but once we were all forced back inside from the thunderstorms, the whining picked up where it left off. I feel like I just can't win. It seems as though not everyone can be pleased. And since I'm the only parent, my psyche gets not even one moment of peace. So in other words, I'M GOING INSANE. Even as I sit here and attempt to ignore the incessant "MAMA"s, I can feel my insanity level rising. I hope that my mental health remains intact until June, when I think I should have a bit more help around me. If not, hopefully you'll still love me - crazy and all!
Things have been rather busy between just getting the kids to school and also doctors appointments, etc. We also had a several companies stop by the house to do a moving estimate. That was useful, but definitely NOT FUN. I can't stand having people over in my messy house right now, but it was a necessary evil. So now that the moving company is chosen and our move date is pretty much solidified, all I have to really do is throw out the trash and all things not being moved. That will take some time since that includes almost all toiletries and cleaning supplies. It will be difficult for me being the pack-rat that I am, but probably very cathartic and therapeutic for me, too. Oh the fun of moving!
This next week we have t-ball practices and the opening day on Saturday. Hopefully that won't be too traumatic for the big boys since they've missed all the practices this month since they are on Sunday, which we don't attend, and the Tuesday ones have been canceled due to rain.
In other news, Dave underwent some minor surgery this past week (I'll let him explain) and so that has contributed to my feelings of being alone because I've needed to allow him some recovery time and time for the drugs to wear off. Simply for the fact that I've had not much more than 5 minutes of respite time this past week or more has a large part in my path to insanity. I'm at least feeling very happy and optimistic, still, so depression is not the issue, I PROMISE. I'm just SO EXHAUSTED and really tired of hearing "MAMA!" all the time.
I hope that I have more fun pictures to post this next week and I'll work on looking toward our bright future to stave off the negativity.
Now a bit of a rewind of the past few weeks to explain the pics:
We had a wonderful Easter (sadly, without Dave, of course) with a fun Easter-egg hunt with Betsy and Max. The boys loved their sweet kid cereal in the many eggs we hid. We included Cookie Crisp, Lucky Charms, Trix, Reese's Peanut butter Cereal, and Fruit Loops. Betsy was kind enough to include a few chocolate treats, too.
We were able to celebrate JJs birthday the day after Easter with Sheila, Steven, and Trevor. They thoroughly enjoyed running around rampant and eating only a fraction of the HUGE cake.
This is JJ singing his favorite tune from Blues Clues (...sit down in your thinking chair and think, think, MMM mmm MMM, MM mm MMM mm MMM...); it's quite adorable to see in person.
A cake suitable for 30 people to be shared with 5. Nice.
What can I say? At least he's using a fork.
What's a party without the pinata??? We are Mexican, you know.
Poor Trevor has many food allergies, so he's always stuck with his own "cakes" and "treats" at my house while the rest of indulge in front of him.
It was so nice this day that Dad broke out the "pool"
Max and Betsy were so nice to live with us for 2+ weeks and so to surprise them for Betsy (and Adam's) birthday, I flew Adam out for a couple of days to spend with the family, but most especially to make the flight home a more bearable one ('cause nothing is worse than traveling solo).
We went out to Osaka (a Hibachi/sushi place) and had a wonderful time with everyone - Thanks guys!
Because of the nice weather, we spent our last night together with the Romneys at the beach, where JJ became very fond of the goose pellets and the lake water by ingesting them both. It took me some time to figure out why he was chewing so much, until I saw him grazing the sand and picking up something suspicious. Then he headed to the lake with a scooping shovel and proceeded to drink straight from the lake, simultaneously soaking his whole right side. I can laugh about it now, but it's still pretty darn disgusting.
Loving the Crazy Bread (I have to say that the LC's near Stoney Creek has the BEST Crazy Bread! It's like REAL italian bread vs. the normal greasy madness one can find everywhere else).
I LOVE the warm weather and look forward to a fabulous Spring!