...And to Dito (my brother). We had a fun week this week. As I near my official due date (April 11th), we are (read: I am) starting to slow everything down to a snails pace for activities, etc. We took the week in stride and delivered the ever-dreaded snack everyday to Kaelan and Lathan's class each day. I had a meltdown mixed in there over it, and we were late most days because of it also. But we survived and Kaelan seemed to love being in control of it. So WHEW! Now that that's done, I am going to bury myself in a hole and start doing silly exercises to see if this baby will hate his environment enough to join us really soon.
Here is the general rundown of our week:
Tuesday we hit the OB's office for another ultrasound. The doc measured him to be 7 lbs, 11 oz and my belly measured about 39-40 weeks in size. Remember all of this is taken at 37 weeks. I'm dilated between 1-2 cm and the baby is still really high (not uncommon for me even after my water breaks). So I'm hoping for any day now. We didn't discuss induction because I feel that this should happen by itself; but I'm fearing the wrath of childbirth as each day progresses.
Thursday I went to a parent-education night at the kids' school (that I was hoping to miss because Dave had a Journal club meeting that night); but the boys really wanted to have a fun time at the child-watch that happens during the meeting, so we crammed our dinner down and ran over. It was a fun, but very late night. I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes apart while there, which I think was due to the uncomfortable wooden child-size chair I was sitting in because they stopped once I left.
Friday was Kaelan's birthday celebration day. Dave had committed to attending and made arrangements to be there for the short 30 minute celebration. Since I knew he would be there I brought JJ with me so that we could all be there. Well, as it turned out, Dave got stuck in the operating room doing a case that turned nightmare-ish. So he missed it and was unable to tell me at all beforehand. So I sat there hoping for some relief from JJ, who was absolutely determined to take part in the celebration and playing with all the "works" all over the room. I had a really hard time taking pictures/video because of his curiosity. Kaelan, thankfully didn't seem to mind or notice too much. Lathan was totally egging him on because the class thought that JJ's random outbursts were hilarious. So Lathan would say stuff like, "JJ, say 'horsey'." And JJ saw that he was getting such a reaction that he would end up shouting it for more effect. All this during the middle of the birthday celebration presentation. JJ thought he was the spotlight, for sure, and wanted to stand in the center of the circle to display a little more JJ-ness. Afterwards, we ate strawberry shortcake (that the class so nicely made for us - the biscuit part - the day before as an activity) for the birthday treat. Along with the strawberries, I brought canned whip cream for the topping and as I suspected, it was the highlight with whip cream being sprayed all over just for the sake of it because of its novelty. I already had it, so I didn't want to go out and buy more of something else. Poor teachers had to deal with it because I had to take off since JJ had really had enough of me corralling him here and not there.
Once I left and was on my way to the parking lot, I received a call from Dave saying how he was so sorry for not being able to make it and not being able to tell me beforehand. I was so upset by all the stress I was under in the classroom to control JJ and the fact that I couldn't really enjoy the moment with Kaelan that I completely lost it. I broke down in the car and really couldn't regroup for a while, ...so I went to Great Lakes to go shopping (heh heh), which is about 45 minutes away. No really, I had to return a couple of shirts I bought there at the Gap Outlet, so I thought it a good opportunity to get out and about and do some essential errands that have been on my list for a while. I felt much better letting JJ loose in those stores. I probably was a little too lenient since I was so sick of trying anymore. On the way back from Great Lakes, I stopped at Babies R Us to purchase a new carseat with a coupon I had because I felt guilty about putting the baby in a 6-year old car seat, which I found out later that one is supposed to replace carseats every six years to keep up to date with all the new safety requirements. Since my babies rarely make it more than 4 months in that seat because they exceed the 20 lb weight limit, there was literally no wear and tear on the carseat itself. I felt bad that I was buying a new seat for my last baby, but I thought that safety comes first, and since I had about $70 in a gift card left, I went for it. I wouldn't have done it if they didn't have the Snugride 32, though. This seat has a weight limit of 32 pounds and 32 inches long. Thats AWESOME!!! I might be able to use this seat for the entire 1st year! I hope. This baby is making quite the mark en-utero already, so we'll see! None of the boys made it to 30 lbs by year 1, so I can always hope. For those of you who don't have the experience, carrying an infant that exceeds 20 lbs around without any carrier is quite the burden. And one that I've had to deal with each time around. It would be such a luxury to bring a portable little bed for when I'm out and about and baby decides that it's naptime. It really is a big deal for me, so HOORAY!
Saturday, Kaelan's actual birthday, I went and picked up the spiderman cake and a spiderman pinata along with some spiderman paper products. We had a very low-key party, inviting the only people that Kaelan wanted, Ms. Sheila and her two little boys, Steven and Trevor. Funny thing is that Steven is one of Lathan's best buds and Trevor is definitely JJ's best bud. So then who for Kaelan??? He didn't mind. He just wanted them there, so we obliged.
[This pic (above the car) is Dave flying WWE-style into Kaelan to show him who's boss. Thankfully, Kaelan is as quick as a fox, and so no one got hurt.]
I ate so much yesterday that I think it finally took a toll on my last night. I ate a ton of fun breakfast that Dad made for the birthday, then ate a huge lunch trying to rid the fridge of leftovers from the week, and then ate the huge serving that Red Robin dishes out, plus I couldn't miss out on the cake! I had to pull out the "hah hah" (vomit) bucket at the end of the night because I could feel the food trying to make its way back up. Dave tried to cheer me up by reminding me that I felt that very same way the night before Lathan was born. So we both hoped it might be a sign. No luck, obviously.
Today was a bunch of fun hanging out with the boys and just being silly before church. Then we came home and ate our late lunch, let the two older boys watch their "Planet Earth" videos while Dave, JJ, and I took a short nap upstairs. We came back down to make dinner and broke out our new Veggie Tales movie for them and they were loving it. Boy, we don't watch TV during the week, but we sure make up for it on the weekend!
We've been going back and forth on the name for our newest addition and really can't narrow it down past 3 names. We asked the boys tonight and each chose a different one. We don't know, but we suspect that this baby is waiting until we come up with the right one before he makes his grand appearance. Maybe that's what's missing. If we can't come up with one soon, we're just going to make it an open vote and see how that turns out.
Quote of the night:
You know from my last post that Lathan has been putting A LOT of holes in his pants as of late (apparently he is not the only one because I see all the other kids at school with holes, too). Anyway, I received a lovely email from Dave's mom saying that Dave was the same way and could never keep pants intact for too long; so I was telling Lathan about how he is just like Daddy more than I knew. He proceeded to ask, "so did Nana get him lots of new pants, then?" And my response was, "Nope. She fixed them just like I fixed yours." And his response, "Badly, then?" HA HA. FYI, in my defense, he said that because the patch I put on the pants he wore on Friday came right off and he also successfully put a hole in the other side simultaneously; but let's be realistic, anything I do to mend clothing will be poorly done. So we'll try again!!
We hope to report some good news soon.... once again.... Until then, have a wonderful week!