Some of the many highlights we have experienced throughout 2008:
The biggest news for the year is that Dave is in his final year of general surgery residency, so we as a family have been traveling quite a bit to visit different sites on the west coast for possible job opportunities. We hit a total of 5 locations before we came to a final decision... which is...

Auburn, California:
About 30 minutes to Sacramento, 15 minutes to Roseville, 45 minutes to Donner Summit where there are some sweet ski resorts. Auburn borders the American River, is in the foothills of the Sierras, but just below the normal snow line. It happens to also be above the fog of the San Joaquin valley. It also contains a 40-acre rec area that has trails all along it. AWESOME. I should mention that the practice Dave is joining has a 4-day work week. Even sweeter. The schools rank in the top 10% of California, consistently, and it is a small enough town to only have 1 high school in town - really two if you consider the outlying area . Now if only we could sell the house (without giving it away)...The other big news is that we are expecting our fourth baby. ANOTHER boy. We are so pleased to welcome boy #4. Our boys are so sweet and tender that another one can only be a good thing. April 11th is the expected due date, but if we're lucky (like we were with Kaelan), he'll decide March will be better. Oh ya, and we have NOT come up with any names, yet. As for the rest of the family...
Jeydan (1 year): He just made it to the 20-month mark. It's amazing that he has survived all those couch-jumps and running falls. When he spills, he goes big. Not a subtle little dude, either. Everything is a little more animated, loud, and irreverent with him - but still with the bounds of being an angel :) His newest talents include repeating words with great accuracy (not to the point where he can use them by himself, though), showing off his Spanish vocabulary by translating with physical actions, and generally showing his physical agility through crazy acrobatic stunts from less-than-ordinary household objects.
Kaelan (3 years): He is the "old man" of the group. Stubborn as ever. A very serious, but funny character that enlightens us with so much humor without meaning to. He gets very embarrassed and usually upset when he realizes that he is getting attention from being his funny self. He is a very bright and observant little boy, but I find that he is SOOO slow in getting his stuff together. He likes to dilly-dally in anything and everything. For instance, he will stand over the toilet after finishing his business for an average of 2-3 minutes just talking to the walls EVERY TIME and then again for his shoes, and his coat, etc., etc. He finally is enjoying preschool, but I think he'd still much rather just hang out at home and veg... talking to those walls.
Griselda: Continues to work at the local gym teaching lessons in the pool; but with enrollment down, she is finding a lot more time to herself (a.k.a laundry, bills, staging home for sale, etc.) and still not finding enough time for blogging or exercising. She finds the run-around of kids to both half and full day school each day tiring, but can manage as long as JJ concedes. She participated in a X-tri (mountain bike, instead of road bike) triathlon this year and also took part in the swimming leg of a triathlon, since the motivation to run and really exercise in general has waned over the years. Must be the economy (????). She is happy to feel that this will probably be her last pregnancy and can finally move the family back to a part of the country that feels like home.
Davey: Still plugging away at his job as underpaid, under-appreciated medical trash bag of responsibility. OK, so it's not that bad (but it can be!) being one of the chief residents. He does have a little more flexibility than he used to. He also has been busy training and competing in triathlons this year. I used the word "training" loosely. Life would be so much easier for him if the day had about 12 more hours to it (10 of which would be used for sleeping). He has quite a load to carry between all his responsibilities and he takes it all in stride and is the most supportive husband and dad any family could ask for. He is especially studly for landing that
We wish you all a merry holiday and hope that 2009 year will be just as fun as 2008. We miss all of our friends, but are so thankful we were able to visit with many of you this past year.
Oh ya, and since this will be my last posting of the year...