Kaelan after several swigs of hot cocoa. I had to get in the picture to assist Santa.

Jay with Dave's headlamp. The boys at the end of our Thanksgiving weekend.

Kaelan sick at Judy's house. Kaelan wearing Dad's shirts after puking on his own clothes.

Jay with Jacie giving his bro some love.
I wanted to post some new photos of our Thanksgiving holiday and stuff, but don't really have time to elaborate about my week. It was busy in mostly a good way, but hectic nonetheless.
Our holiday was great. We went to a good friend's house and loved the food and company. Couldn't really ask for more, except maybe a few more deals on Black Friday. We did well, though. Poor Kaelan was sick that morning and Dave was a sport and looked after him while he puked. In the interim he wasn't suffering too bad as he spent the majority of the time playing video games with his buddy and allowing Lathan to participate in the not-for-little-kids ultra-violent game. Now all my precious baby wants to do is shoot to kill for fun. Let's just say that Mama wasn't pleased with this decision; but he did take care of Kaelan. You win some, you lose some, right?
This past week the kids and I hit the local city center to celebrate the Christmas season and to see Santa while David was moonlighting. It was so cold! Luckily we saw some friends because every one of the boys was crying (the shriek-scream crying, too) - all for different reasons. Jay wanted to nurse AND his hands were ice-cold. Lathan was upset because his hot chocolate got knocked over and Kaelan wanted a refill on his hot chocolate. I couldn't satisfy any of those needs because we were waiting for Santa outside with no hot chocolate and it was too bitter cold for Jay to nurse. Once we made it inside in the line, my friends took the two big boys and I nursed Jay in the back. It was quite the scene.
We had Steven's parents come over for dinner on Friday and let the boys play. It was fun for everyone, but always awkward with tired babies. Dave knew how hard I had worked without him around for the whole week, so he let me try on dresses at the local Nordstrom Rack for fun. I bought David's gift while I was out, too. It was a great afternoon. David gets muchos creditos for getting invited to a Red Wings game with his buddies and turning it down (of his own volition because I said it was fine) while I was out for "me" time because he felt that I was solo-parenting enough as it was. What a guy (thanks Bill and Lynda!).
Today was rough with the boys overspent in many ways. I fell asleep in the cushy chair nursing Jay and didn't notice anything apparently for about 40 minutes. Dave said he read the whole Friend Magazine to the boys right there next to me and I never flinched. I had several epiphanies this evening that I wanted to share, but so much for my brain function. I can't remember not even one right now. Perhaps some other time. We were happy to catch the Christmas Devotional tonight, even amongst squirmy, impatient children. It was lovely.
I am so excited to have our Christmas cards sent out this week. You will be hearing from me if I don't have a current address. Please email me if you know I don't. Love to you all,