So these are my cutest boys on a typical Sunday morning. They couldn't resist their little bro and his adorable juiciness.

This is Kaelan sharing his "manta" with his little bro, who is also quite the fan of his own little "manta." Thanks Nana.

This is our clan messing around at home and the friend next to Lathan is Steven. Many of you may be familiar with Lathan's best bud from school, Steven. This is them together on the last day of school last year after their "Harlequin" musical performance - hence their effeminate garb.

ere we have Baby J eating one of his first vegetable meals about 2 weeks ago.
This is Kaelan dancing in the pool with Dad at the Hilton in Niagara Falls.
Lathan doing fun drills at soccer over the summer.
JJ getting lots of love this morning before church.
Ok, so now that you've seen the pictures, I'll give you my week rundown. Everything has settled tremendously since most of my duties for church are completed for the year, so my letters will be rather boring. A good thing in my opinion.
I still teach swimming on Mondays, so once that was out of the way (along with a decent workout, thankfully) I went about my day as usual. I knew that I was having a meeting w/ my church cohorts that next day, so I aimed to clean the downstairs fairly well. We stayed up WAY TOO LATE cleaning a stack of many papers. It was worth it, but very draining. I went to bed at 2:30 am. I knew I was going to have a madhouse the next day, so I wanted some order on my end.
This past Tuesday was election day, so all the schools were closed. That allowed me to host 6 additional kids (older and younger) that day. I lost my breath when I saw the basement. Toys were EVERYWHERE and some were even disassembled. It was worse than a tornado. I almost felt like crying because I didn't know where to start. We at least had a great meeting, but the cleanup was anything but. Lathan helped me after I picked him up from school and he kept asking me why the "babies" left such a mess. I said I didn't know why; but perhaps they were not taught to clean up after themselves. I told him he better clean up after himself when visiting friends. It was a good teaching moment because he did not like cleaning up a mess he didn't create. Because he was my helper, he earned $2. He has been asking to do chores around the house in addition to what is required because he wants to earn money. I thought this was a bit greedy at first; but then he mentioned that he wanted to give all his money to the Wells of Love at school. This is a project where the kids donate money to other kids in Africa who are in need of clean water. The money helps build suitable wells for them. How sweet, especially for a 4 year old. So he earned his money on the cleanup. I was having a fabric cutting "party" at my house the next day for a Super Saturday craft thing at the church and Lathan kindly reminded me to tell the babies to clean up when they finish playing. Noted.
Wednesday I cut fabric for a cute handbag I was going to finish at the Super Saturday (SS). Once I completed that I went about my day as usual, going to a YW mutual activity that night.
Thursdays I now teach in the evening at the gym. That was a difficult day because getting kids onto my teaching schedule for the evening after naps, but before dinner is never a pleasant task. They survived, but I found myself struggling with what felt like flu-like symptoms. I managed and even eked out a decent workout afterward.
Friday was awesome 'cause well, it was Friday. Saturday I accomplished many cute crafts and was able to have several hours of me time in the process. It was a welcome change and a nice break for me. Saturday night we went out to a friend's house for pizza and games. That was a lot of fun, too. We never go out it seems, and even more infrequent is socializing with friends on a weekend. We hit them both this time! What a great time for us.
Today was fun and funny. We had a ward council meeting that Dave and I had to attend, so the kids came with and it was a little overwhelming; so I said my piece, then took off to take care of kids. JJ exploded out of his diaper in all directions in his cute - coordinating no less - clothes. All I could salvage was the sweater vest; so he wore a sweat suit one piece and then I added the sweater vest to make it more church appropriate. It was quite the mismatch spectacle for me. We came home, had a good friend, whose husband is in China, for dinner. The kids had a very good time, but then kid-exhaustion set in from our long day today and we all said goodnight. Dave in the meantime left to help a fellow ward member clean out his basement. This man is 97 years old and lived in his basement with his dog and neither left to do their business (but at least the man had is own toilet). It was so bad they called on all priesthood holders to give a helping hand to finish the cleanup today. A funny story from tonight: as we were getting ready for bedtime, Lathan and Kaelan were commenting how long their hair was when Dad added that his hair was long too. The kids laughed and disagreed, so Dave said jokingly, "where did it go, then?" Lathan came back with his most honest response, "It all went to your chest, Daddy." We laughed for a while over that one.
We hope you had a fun week, too. We want to hear from you!